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Portal Infranet CSR Tool

Portal Infranet Web Kit
IA Information Architecture Challenge:
Assist UI designers in mapping a user workspace for ISP (Internet Service Provider) CSR (Customer Support Representative). This map will be used to create a new tool specifically designed to assist the CSR. The Infranet application suite was already a highly robust tracking and billing database application with an enormously deep and wide information space.

IA Solution:
The Infranet application suite was already a highly robust tracking and billing database application with an enormously deep and wide information space. However, user often had trouble completing tasks in no small part because they were overwhelmed by impertinent information. This was a very big problem for a CSR who is working with a customer on the phone. We developed use cases for common CSR tasks.

User Experience Challenge:
Assist in designing the user experience for the workspace for ISP CSRs. Typical CSR tasks include creating a new account, account information look up, adjustments to account, and information regarding special deals and bundled packages.

The application will use Java Swing user interface running inside a browser. Create a series of mockups for validation and usability testing. Observe usability tests of user scenarios. Use results to validate or fine-tune each design iteration.

Working closely with the UI team at Portal, we created a series of mockups:
  • screen layout using PhotoShop
  • Simple screen flows using image maps and html to test screen flows
  • a Macromedia ShockWave movie created with Director to emulate the final swing interface, screen flows and user interactions.
We used each successive mockup to first validate with stake holders, then test user scenarios with real users. Usability test often reveal well hidden design flaws as test subject after test subject stumble at the same point. Each of these flaws was revisited, addresses and retested.

Visual Design Challenge:
Design the look and feel for for the workspace for ISP CSRs using the Java Swing user interface guidelines for UI layouts and widgets.

We designed layout for each screen and menu for each mockup. Usability test often required rework and retest or an entirely new test. For both HTML & Shockwave movie mockups we created a visual library or swing widgets in PhotoShop. We used this library as a basis for screen layouts for each mockup to accurately reflect the look and feel of a Java swing UI.

We arranged elements and widgets according to screen requirements.

Client: Portal Software Inc.

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